Join us in this sonic prayer for the undamming of the Snake river and sending out powerful ripples for healing all bodies of water, our own and beyond.
We gather in ceremony with open hearts and clear intentions. Activating our LivingLaser LoveBubble and relaxing into subtle waves of sonic frequencies to nourish and vitalize the liquid crystal of our bodies.
Through the power of cymatics; the physical effect of sound on membranes in our water bodies, of bija-s, seed sounds which encapsulate specific energies, we manifest our shared intention. We sink into the sacred vibration of Raaga, which embodies the powerful, prayerful vibration of Divinity to strengthen and clarify this manifestation.
We clearly name the intention of undamming the Snake River, as we pray to and celebrate the water in our bodies and the bodies of water that surround us and cover our planet, for nurture, healing, and wholeness. Rippling our prayers out. For the benefit of all beings.
Doors open at 6. Please arrive before 6:20 as the door will then close for the ceremony. Bring blankets and cushions to make yourself comfortable. And sacred water you would like to contribute during the ceremony.
Sliding scale $25-65 | Venmo @heartriverpresents |
AquaLuXonic is a collaboration of musicians, sound healers, water activists and ceremonialists. Featuring Xanna Seto, Em Boardway, and Nina von Feldmann