Celebrate Spring with author Giselle Kennedy Lord and a garden party in the ever-lovely Moon Mountain shop! Grab a copy of the book or bring yours for Giselle to sign, along with your garden curiosities and questions so we can dig into your garden planning together. Sip on a biodiversity-inspired beverage and peruse Giselle’s collection heirloom seeds and veggies starts (available for you to take home).
This event is FREE and open to the public. Please kindly RSVP if you plan to join!
About Giselle Kennedy Lord
I co-authored The Ark of Taste: Delicious and Distinctive Foods that Define the United States, published in August 2023 by Voracious Books.
My work—in the kitchen and out—is inspired by the ingredients, culture, and people that make great meals. My table is a celebration of landscape, culture, and identity in the many dishes and flavors of my embodied experience and those I have come to love. My cooking is the marriage of my Lebanese heritage with the seasonal bounty of my environment and often inspired by my long-standing love affair with Latin America and its food. Every meal by my hand is a family meal. I care deeply about biodiversity and it shows in my garden. I love tomatoes.