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Vision with Wyld

  • MoonMountain Highway 113 West Steuben Street Cook, WA, 98605 United States (map)

Sometimes, we just need someone to see and hear us, so we can organize the mind and allow the Vision to become clear.  These sessions are for those feeling lost or unclear on their path for the upcoming year - yet feel in their bones that big change is afoot... 

Join Wyld in a juicy portal of curiosity as she offers her 29 years as a Seer in service to your Vision.  Tarot, Oracle cards, Bones and more will be supporting this channeled experience (audio recording available)

Wyld Lee is a Creative living in devotion to the Mystery and following the call for all women to relinquish their domestication.  Learn more about the Fempyre and her body of work at


November 13, 20, 27

December 4, 11, 18

Sessions at 3, 4 and 5pm

sliding scale $67-97

Register HERE

November 24

Sweat Your Prayers®

November 27

Wednesday Waves~ Mid-week 5Rhythms Practice Class